Houston Post Judgement Enforcement Attorney

What Is Post Judgement Enforcement?
The road to getting a final divorce decree or court order for custody or child support can be long and arduous. Once you have your final judgment, you are probably ready for the whole thing to be over. You want nothing other than to settle into your new way of life and help your children adjust to the changes in their lives. Unfortunately, there is always a risk that your former spouse or co-parent will toss the court order in the trash and ignore it. If someone has done this to you, The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. can help take legal action to force them to comply with their requirements.
Whether your former spouse is refusing to pay ordered child support or has taken property that was given to you in the divorce, there are steps our law firm can take to enforce the judgment. Texas courts do not like seeing their orders disregarded, so turning back to the court for help is likely going to work out well. You may also be awarded your attorney's fees.
Lawyer Enforcing Child Support in the Houston Area
Many divorced parents with primary custody rely on child support paid by the other parent to make sure all of their children's needs are met. Child support orders are ignored possibly more frequently than any other type of court order. When you are the parent with primary custody, you and your children deserve support from the other parent. Their refusal to pay may be causing financial difficulty for you. Luckily, child support orders have some teeth in Texas.
The court can take steps like garnishing the other parent's wages if need be. Failing to pay child support can also get a parent's driver's license or even a professional license suspended until they decide to comply. You may be able to levy their financial assets or put a lien on other property.
If your former spouse or partner still will not pay or is blatantly disrespectful to the court, they could be charged with contempt of court and jailed.
Texas Law Firm Enforcing Divorce Decrees
You deserve to keep what is yours after a divorce, including any marital property that was allocated to you. Whether you resolved your divorce through mediation or litigation, there is always a chance that your former spouse will not abide by the agreed-on or court-ordered terms.
It can be incredibly frustrating when you come to a fair final divorce judgment only to have your former spouse choose to disregard it. It is best to take action quickly when your ex refuses to turn over what rightfully belongs to you according to your property division order.
When we show the court that your former spouse is violating the decree, a judge may order one of several remedies, like ordering them to turn over specific property or to pay you the value of the property they wrongfully took.
Attorneys for Enforcing Custody Orders
Violating a child custody order is a very serious matter. We will guide you on how you can carefully gather evidence showing that your ex is wrongfully withholding your children from you. You may be awarded make-up visitation time at a minimum. Your ex-spouse is very much at risk of being charged with contempt. Our lawyers will walk you through the delicate process of enforcing a custody order.
Contact a Texas Attorney for Post-Judgment Enforcement
The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. understands how hard it can be to get a divorce or child custody judgment in the first place and how frustrating it can be when that judgment goes ignored. Our skilled family law attorneys will fight for you to receive everything you are entitled to in the judgment. Contact us online or call 713-650-1866 for a free consultation.