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Why Should You Establish Paternity in Texas?

 Posted on July 19,2024 in Family Law

TX family lawyerWhen a married couple has a baby, the two are automatically considered to be that baby’s parents, with all the legal implications that come with that determination. Things are less simple when parents are not married to each other at the time of birth. When a woman is pregnant and gives birth, she is legally recognized as the baby’s biological mother. However, an unmarried father will need to prove his relationship with the baby. There are several reasons why you might want to establish your paternity since it can benefit the baby, the mother, and you. If you want to make sure you are legally recognized as your baby’s father, speak with a skilled Harris County, TX paternity lawyer who can guide you through the process.

Who Benefits From Paternity in Texas?

If a man is married to a woman when she gives birth, his paternity is considered fact for all legal intents and purposes. There is no need to prove it, and it is automatically recognized. However, if you are not married when the baby is born, it suddenly becomes something you need to prove. It is a fairly straightforward process, particularly when both parents agree about their relationship to the baby. If there is disagreement, genetic testing, which can often be conducted using a swab of the inner cheek, can determine any biological relationship.

Why would a man who is not married to his baby’s mother want to establish his paternity? Mainly because three people stand to benefit from this:

  • The baby: There are several ways your child can benefit from your established paternity. A child’s mental well-being is generally positively impacted by having a father who declares their relationship rather than rejecting it or trying to keep it a secret. Additionally, the child will be your legal next-of-kin who can be eligible for any death benefits you may leave behind when the time comes. When legally recognized as your child, she can also have access to personal information about you, including medical records that might include genetic information that could be important for her to know. 
  • The mother: Generally, the father of a child who is raised by his mother is obligated to pay the mother regular child support payments, which can be extremely significant for her financial stability. There are also emotional benefits for a mother who does not need to shield her child from a father refusing to admit his role, as well as the fact that in an emergency, the father can be called on to help if she needs it and has no one else to turn to.
  • The father: When you establish paternity, you are entitled to parental rights. You can have a say in important decisions that affect your child, including medical care, education, religion, and more. You will also be eligible for court-authorized visitation with your child. Proving your relationship with your child means that the courts will generally protect your ability to be involved in your child’s life.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Harris County, TX Paternity Lawyer

If you are expecting a child soon but are not married to the mother, speak with a knowledgeable Houston, TX family law attorney to understand how you can establish paternity. At The Cusic Law Firm, P.C., we have experience handling delicate family matters, and we are compassionate about helping our clients protect their rights. Call us at 713-650-1866 to schedule a free consultation.

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