Houston Child Visitation Attorney

What Is Visitation?
Nothing is more important to most parents than the time they share with their children. As a parent, often you probably cannot imagine your life without your children in it. When parents split up, it is important for the children to be able to maintain a meaningful relationship with both parents. Being involved in a child custody case can make you feel very worried about how much time you will get to spend enjoying your children's company.
The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. is highly committed to helping every parent remain an important part of their children's lives by protecting their visitation time. Whether you are in the middle of a divorce or trying to establish paternity to win visitation rights, we can help.
Harris County Child Visitation for Divorcing Parents
Divorce can be stressful no matter what. When you share children with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, the stakes are high. Our lawyers understand how important your relationships with your children are.
In almost all cases, Texas courts favor joint child custody arrangements, where both parents have some time with their children. If you are not the primary caregiver, then maximizing your visitation time is going to be your number one priority - as well as ours.
Some parents are worried about losing visitation rights in a divorce. Your spouse might be making false accusations against you, or maybe you have had legal issues or struggled with mental illness or substance abuse. You should know that it is very rare for a family law court to stop a parent from seeing their child completely. We will be there with you to fight for your parental rights. Our top priority will be making sure that you will get to see your children as much as possible.
The types of custody and visitation arrangements we can help make are as unique as the families we serve. We are skilled at establishing visitation routines that work well for the parents and are meeting the child's needs.
Child Visitation Rights for Never-Married Parents in Texas
Families come in all different types. Plenty of people who have chosen not to marry can successfully co-parent and give their children the best possible upbringing. Married or not, children can benefit hugely from having both their mother and their father there to offer love, support, and care as they grow up.
If you are a father, if you were never married to the mother of your child, you must first establish paternity if you haven't done so already. If you are paying child support, then you are likely already the established father.
From there, we can ask the court to step in and help establish a visitation schedule so that both parents can become a regular part of your children's lives. This can be done based on an agreement between parents, or visitation may be ordered by a judge based on the best interests of the child.
When we represent a parent seeking visitation rights, we are also representing the child, who deserves to receive love and guidance from both parents. This is a commitment our firm takes incredibly seriously. We fight to preserve the precious relationship between parent and child.
Call a Houston Child Visitation Attorney
If you are a parent in need of legal help as you pursue visitation time with your children, The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. can offer you top-quality representation. Our dedicated and compassionate child visitation lawyers will do everything we can to support you and advocate for you. Call us at 713-650-1866 or contact us online to get started with a free consultation.