Houston Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreement Lawyer

How Can A Prenuptial Agreement Help Me?
Getting a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement may not seem like the most romantic idea in the world. However, being able to work together and make this type of agreement can actually be a good sign for your marriage. Spouses who are able to cooperate and communicate well enough to make a pre- or postnuptial agreement often have the skills they need to have a successful marriage. Of course, if you do find that you want to divorce later, this contract can make the whole process easier.
The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. is experienced at helping engaged and married couples work out a pre- or postnuptial agreement that helps both of them. You and your fiancé or spouse should both be represented by counsel during the process. Our goal will be to make sure that your agreement protects you and is fair to you.
Why Should I Use a Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement?
Getting one of these agreements does not mean that you are preparing for divorce. It can actually be a good way to be prepared and not be caught off guard if the worst does occur. You probably have homeowner's or renter's insurance that covers things like fires or natural disasters. That does not mean that you are expecting something like that to happen - it just makes you ready for such a contingency.
What a Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement Can Cover in Texas
Couples can include almost anything they would like to in their pre- or postnuptial agreement. There are, however, a few things that you cannot use a prenuptial agreement to determine. Terms that you can include in your agreement include:
- Establishing separate property - There are probably some things you own that are just yours and not your spouse's. Likewise, your spouse probably has some property that only belongs to them. In a pre- or postnuptial agreement, you can put it in writing that certain property is separately owned so that in case you divorce, you will each keep your own things.
- Spousal support - You can agree on whether one of you would pay spousal support in the event that you choose to end the marriage. If you plan to be a homemaker or to work only part-time so that you can focus on childcare or running the home, then this may be very important to you. If it is important to you, it is important to us.
- Property division - Dividing marital property can be one of the more contentious parts of a divorce. Most spouses and even engaged cohabiting couples own a lot of property together, like furniture and vehicles. Deciding who should get what in advance in case you later split can make things go a lot smoother.
What a Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement Cannot Cover in Texas
It is important to know that you cannot make any agreements regarding child custody or visitation in a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. Because the best interest of the child is important in custody proceedings, parents cannot control this contractually.
You should also know that there are circumstances where Texas courts will not enforce a prenuptial agreement, such as if it is drastically unfair to one party or if one party was coerced into signing an agreement.
If your prenuptial agreement is worrying you, we may be able to set your mind at ease. An unfair prenuptial agreement should never be a reason that you feel trapped in your marriage.
Speak With a Houston, TX Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements Attorney
The Cusic Law Firm, P.C. can help you arrive at the prenuptial or postnuptial agreement you need. Having an agreement in place can give you peace of mind knowing that you are protected just in case you divorce. Contact us online or call 713-650-1866 so we can offer you a free consultation.